Thursday, October 28, 2010


today we learned more about Normal Disturbutions and  how to form a percentage to a score /value.  and we learned a different method on the calculator. All the notes and recording is above.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday October.27th Statistics

Today we reviewed some of the stuff we learned on monday, we also learned method 2 on our calculaters that is showed above. We used a website that showed us the other way of doing it, the link is 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Normal Distributions

Today Mr. Maxsymchuk gave us these notes on Normal Distributions. He went through mean, median, and mode, Characteristics of Normal Distributions, and also the 68-95-99.7 rule.
Here is a website to practice with:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Statistics - Std. Dev. of Pop.

Mean = 4.8
Mode = 0, 3, 4
Median = 3.5
MinX = 0
MaxX = 14
Standard Deviation of Population = 4.86766158

To Make a List:
2. Edit > Enter
3. Insert Data

To Get Mean, Mode, Median, Std. Dev. of Pop. etc...:
2.---> Calc > Enter
3. 1-Var Stats> Enter
4. 2nd Func > 1

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Stats thing

Stuff I did on my calc

1. Stat
3.typed in values
5. Calc
6. 1:1-Var Stat
7.2nd 1
8. Enter


Average: 26.6
Sum: 399
SDP: 44.9 or 43.4
Med: 15
Max X: 180


Standard Deviation
  • mean=1.9
  • n=10
  • med=2
  • minx=0
  • maxX=3
  • standared diviation of a population=.9433981132

standard deviation

Standard Deviation
·         turn on calculator
·         press stat then enter
·         in list one place  # of sms per day  6,30,40,100,130,3,30,125,50,70,20,100,50,70,70,0,250,2
·         press 2nd function
·         press stat
·         press calc
·         press enter
Mean: 61.3583543
Median : 50
Mode: 70

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How many computers/laptop do students have!!!

Tuesday Oct.19/10,

In class today we learned how to use a graphing calculator to find population standard deviation. We wrote down how to do it which will be posted below. We also went into some detail about mean,mode and median. We learned the formulas to find these things and also got an assignment on it. I will post all the notes and a voice recording below explaining what I said we learned.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Standard Deviation

Today we learned population standard deviation, and statistics. This was grand!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lets Prepare For Our Test!:)

 what are we expected for ou test tomorrow? we all have a different perspective on what to expect on  the test but from what i took from what was said that was gunna be on the test, is that we should study the definitions of words that we should know, our practice accelerated math and proofs to practice maybe even go over all the questions and stuff we've gone over.. hope everyone does good:)
